Eight externals for the Hermes BBS have been upgraded. They have been updated to reflect the changes in Hermes 2.5. Below you will find information about obtaining upgrades.
Bulletin Manager - Display information bulletins at logon and from main menu. Bulletins can be mandatory or optional. "Tri-level" bulletins can be automatically displayed to users according to their security level. Up to 20 "Regular" bulletins can be displayed from a bulletin menu. The menu or any of the individual bulletins can also be mandatory or optional.
Logoff Manager - Formerly "End'r". Display statistics at logoff and a customizable message to users depending on their downloads ratio. Also has option to give first time callers the option of saving or deleting their user record. Very nice for weeding out people who won't be calling back.
Logon Manager - Formerly "Logger". Display attractive ANSI logon stats for today's callers. Option to save old logs. Reports for both ANSI and non-ANSI users.
New User Manager - Formerly "Validity". Automate much of the validation process. Ask new users a series of questions and automatically set their security level and restriction information according to their responses. Saves all responses in a number of text formats. Displays BBS agreement form and logs answer. Automatically adds BBS information of visiting sysops to the BBS list.
Quote Manager - Display a random quote at logon or from the externals menu. Allows users to enter new quotes and saves them in both text and ANSI formats. Automatically formats quotes (justification and ANSI/text headers and footers)
Reports Manager - Formerly "Report'r". Generate text file reports for many BBS and user statistics. Reports are very useful for making sure BBS is set up correctly.
Stats Manager - Display color ANSI usage graphs for today's usage, hourly usage, day of the week usage and monthly usage. Saves BBS data for any length of time in very little space.
User Manager - Update all user records according to certain criteria. Control access to the transfer sections with a monthly file quota system. Displays recent uploads on entry to transfer sections. Automatically purge old users on nightly basis. Many other useful features.
I want to be a Registered User of Hubris Software's "Manager Series" Extensions!
_____ 2.5 registration for all eight externals. I’ve enclosed a check or money order for $45 (1/2 off the individual prices).
_____ 2.5 registration for INDIVIDUAL "Manager Series" Extensions, I’ve enclosed a check or money order for the total of EACH extension I have checked below.
_____Check here if you wish to receive the extensions on disk. Otherwise, you will be able to download the extensions from Mulligan's Valley at 203-772-4485. If you would like to have the extensions sent to you on a disk you need to include $5 to cover the costs of sending it.